let your light shine

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

JESUS, son of God: shall save his people from their sins.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the air!  There is no artist that is as awesome as the creator!

It is spring in the air, in plants, and my mind and heart as well, as I savor beauty around me, dream of ideas to discover, skills to hone, crafts to accomplish, celebrations to relish, (mmm recipes to share), and best of all, I nurture and hope for love to GROW in my family, as God is growing these beautiful flowers......................
This blog is a place where I will document and share some of my journey savoring, successes, sagacity, and sensibilities, as I alone venture and share, or my daughter with me.  I am growing in to my retirement years (could be two years away), and embracing being a new mother-in-law- and love, at the same time I am grandmother to a precious preschooler, and mother to an amazing teen ( come June), my Cherish, and also I am daughter to two treasures that are my Mom and Dad.  These relationships and times, bring rich blessings, trying challenges, and always I have HOPE because of my Lord.  Bible and faith are my foundation.

1 comment:

Grandma Mary Martha: Do Share the Flowers !!

Grandma Mary Martha: Do Share the Flowers !! : Have you ever read Gary Chapman's book, The Five Love Languages  ?  You should read it un...