let your light shine

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

JESUS, son of God: shall save his people from their sins.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

A Secret from my Beloved Grannie, and More Great Simple Food

Pure nutrition served here !!  (and maybe a little butter and sugaršŸ˜„)

Thought this was worth sharing:  Folks, you need to know, something that I learned from my grannie.  You can make your own breakfast sausage and have more control of the content (restrict fats, and meat cuts).  I do this with lean ground turkey, or beef.  Just add olive oil if the cooked meat is too dry because it is low fat......... Add salt and pepper as you usually would, and secret ingredient, SAGE, and walaa you have yummy sausage.  Here is one of my daughter's favorite healthy breakfasts and it is not expensive.  (Convenience foods are expensive.  Cooking from basic whole foods- not processed foods, is affordable and better for you !)
steel cut oats, cooked with butter and sugar added
The way we like it !!  Way better for us than some of the processed or more sugary alternatives!

Another healthy simple, non-processed dish here = economical.  I can still eat it when I have a part-time income !!

 The crockpot is the perfect way to cook squash, and many other foods.  I honestly don't recall anyone in my family cooking hard skinned squash, growing up.  Somewhere along the line, I discovered that the uncooked veggies and their skins that are so so tough........ just cook it/them washed and whole in the crockpot and then they are tender and SUPER EASY.  I actually find that cooking hard veggies this way, reduces need to butter or oil.  Butternut squash, acorn squash, spaghetti squash and sweet potatoes cooked like this, are moist and tender.

 I add just a little butter, drizzle of honey, and often walnuts and in this case cranberries, and it is a Mama and me please-er.  (My mom is a squash and sweet potato fan, like I am.)

No, I don't only eat brown stuff.  I am definitely gettin' some green in this blog soon!  Also, I am gonna go listen more this             savvy mama.

Thanks for stopping by, and I wish YOU some healthy, simple cookin'.

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